Posts in Crotch Veneer

Important Points To Be Considered While Buying Or Storing Veneer Sheets

June 3rd, 2020 Posted by Crotch Veneer, Marine Grade Wood Veneer, Teak Wood Veneer, Veneer, Veneers And Lumbers 0 thoughts on “Important Points To Be Considered While Buying Or Storing Veneer Sheets”

The thin slices of wood or bark, which are mostly thinner than 3mm, are called veneers. Veneers are glued on to panels to produce flat panels such as parquet floors, cabinet panels, doors, tops and different parts of furniture. (more…)

The Various Wood Cutting Methodologies Possible For Veneers

May 21st, 2020 Posted by Crotch Veneer, Teak Wood, Teak Wood Veneer, Veneer, Veneers And Lumbers, Wood Cutting Methodologies 0 thoughts on “The Various Wood Cutting Methodologies Possible For Veneers”

Wood veneer is one of the most sought after wood products. It is essential for the slicing of wood to be impeccable to get uniformly cut veneer. (more…)

What’s a good crotch wood?

March 26th, 2020 Posted by Crotch Veneer, Veneer 0 thoughts on “What’s a good crotch wood?”

A good crotch wood is perhaps one of the most beautiful works of art by nature.
Crotch wood and veneers are known (more…)

Why is Crotch Veneer So Sought After?

March 16th, 2020 Posted by Crotch Veneer 0 thoughts on “Why is Crotch Veneer So Sought After?”

This beautiful “flame” pattern of grain is formed at the fork of the tree. The bigger the branch, (more…)